Garage Sales and Storage
Do you have too much stuff in your home and have decided to have a garage sale to clear out the clutter? Great! But now you have to figure out a place where you can organize all those once precious treasures headed for the garage sale. Most likely, your home and garage are too full already and have no space for you to sort, stack, hang, and price items before the sale. Storing garage sale items may be a great solution. You can even share the cost of a self storage unit with others if you are having a family or neighborhood garage sale.
Once you have your storage unit, you can bring items to storage as you sort the keepers from the "for sale" items. Your storage unit gives you the room that you need to sort the garage sale items by categories such as clothing, books, games, kitchen, or toys. Categorizing will make it much easier when the sale date approaches to organize and display your items.
Gathering your items in storage by categories also is helpful when it comes time to price your items. You can easily analyze the wear and tear on toys and games, for example. Plus, storage gives you the elbow room and quiet time you need away from your hectic life to more efficiently price and tag your items.
With all your sale items organized and priced in your storage unit, setting up for the garage sale will be easy. Just set up your tables and racks at your garage, put the items from storage onto those tables and racks and, wow, you are ready!
Regardless of whether you had a garage sale, you may nonetheless find that your home or office is still brimming with documents. If so, you may want to check out our "Document Storage" section or call us at San Clemente Self Storage to discuss your storage needs.